A Tennis Club




San Francisco kids tennis lessons, customized for your child’s age and ability!!!

Designed by the United States Tennis Association (USTA), the governing body of tennis in the United States, QuickStart Tennis is the equivalent of Little League baseball, AYSO soccer, or youth basketball. SF Tennis Kids lessons and playing opportunities aim to make tennis more accessible to children where they move quickly through a series of transitional stages.


At SF Tennis Kids Club, we group our tennis lessons by age and skill levels. Our coaches, low compression tennis balls, appropriately sized rackets and court sizes, help children have FUN while learning the game with their equals. Children eventually move to full-court tennis and a lifelong love of the game.


AGES 3-5

1hr / half hour


Student is a beginner. Learns basic hand-eye skills and basic racquet skills, and becomes familiar with the concept of playing tennis. Children ages 3 and 5 are introduced to tennis and develop a love for the sport through fun activities that develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This program will introduce young players to the game of tennis in a fun and rewarding way. All fundamental strokes will be taught using small racquets and red balls on special 36 ft. courts. This program will focus on gross motor skills, coordination, basic stroke mechanics and more importantly HAVING FUN

Home practice: Catching and throwing under hand/overhand.


AGES 5-8

1hr / 1.5hr


Students can hit the ball consistently over the net with the instructor. Students learns basic technique for fundamental tennis strokes (forehand, backhand, volley, and serve). Students learn to play and rally on 36’ courts with red balls. Students learn movement, balance, motor skills development, self and partner rallying skills and elements of match play. This class is designed to help players ages 5 - 8 develop hand eye coordination, learn the motor skills of moving hands and feet together, listen to instructions and introduce cooperative drills. This is the perfect age to establish a solid technical foundation. At this level, kids gain more consistency in their strokes with faster drills and learn to direct shots away from their opponents.

Home practice: Practice juggling a ball up 10 times in a row and dribbling a ball down 10 times in a row with a racquet.


AGES 8-12

1hr / 1.5hr


Play is with orange balls on 60’ courts. Students can maintain an extended rally with the instructor using basic technique. Students learn intermediate techniques for footwork, net play, and serves. Student learns how to play points, keep score, and basic strategy. Proper court movement and technique, along with the ability to create spin, depth and shot direction are thought. Players at this level also develop an understanding of the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, which helps them to learn attacking and defending strategies. At this level, kids learn to move properly, rally more consistently and construct points. Home practice: Rally a ball 15 times against a wall or backboard. Practice serving against a wall or on a 60’ court.


AGE 12 & Above

1hr / 1.5hr


Students can rally, place the ball with intention, using spins, varying speeds and angles. Students can play the ball in transition and move to the net. Students can place the volley for winners when necessary.

Students can execute the serve and hit the ball flat or with spin. Students are beginning to understand strategy and tactics. For teen, junior and high school players, focusing on stroke development and match play strategies and tactics through drills and competitive play. Play is generally with green balls on 78’ courts. Players also are introduced to match play and score keeping.

Home practice: Participate in SF Tennis Kids match play clinics and programs. Begin to play USTA tournaments. Work to qualify for the SF Tennis Kids Green Ball Team, which is limited to students who display the talent, drive, ambition and commitment of serious players.


Get in Touch:

SF Tennis Kids Club

Hot Line: 818-284-7643


@2017 by SF Tennis Kids Club

All Rights Reserved